Monday, May 18, 2015

Nancy Drew Sea of Darkness Review

I've now finished the newest and latest Nancy Drew game!  I loved playing this game so much.  Nancy Drew Sea of Darkness is the 32nd game in the Nancy Drew series and was released on May 19th, 2015.  I was super excited to play this game and when I finally got my hands on my copy I couldn't stop playing it.  So let's get started!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Nancy Drew Teaser For Game Number #33

As of today, I found a teaser for the next game in the Nancy Drew series released!  This is game number 33 in the Nancy Drew series called, Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem. The trailer hints that the newest game in the series brings a familiar face to the game, Deirdre Shannon.  As she asks or more of begs Nancy to help her friend, afraid that her friend might not make it. In the very end of the teaser you can hear what could possible be the new voice actress for Nancy Drew.  So let's get started!