Friday, January 31, 2020

Clue/Cluedo Review

I love the board game clue.  Out of all the board games there are this one is my absolute favorite.  Well, here during the Steam Winter sale I decided to cave and get the game to play with my friends.  The game was released on May 17, 2018 by Marmalade Game Studios.  So let's get started!

Friday, January 24, 2020

Déraciné PS4 VR Review

Déraciné, it was one of the many VR games that captured my attention making me want to jump back into the PS VR.  Being able to interact with the characters on screen has always been a dream of mine since the VR technology began to improve.  So the second I saw this game go on sale by chance when looking at new VR game, I just new I needed to check it out.  Déraciné was released November 6th, 2018 by Sony and developed by SIE Japan Studio, FromSoftware. So let's get started!

Friday, January 17, 2020

Bunny Park Game Review

I love finding new indie games and Bunny Park has to be one of the cutest games I have seen this year!  Bunny Park is a cute building simulator where you get the chance to build your very own bunny filled park!  I first saw this game over on Twitter and ever since then I was excited for it be released.  
Bunny Park was released on January 14th, 2020 and I want to thank Éloïse Laroche, the developer of the game, for giving me the opportunity to play this game.  So let's get started!

Friday, January 10, 2020

Nancy Drew Game #34 Teased

To be honest, I didn't think I would be moving on from Midnight In Salem this fast.  I've been writing posts about Midnight In Salem for over 5 years.  Basically, it was the second Nancy Drew game I was following when I started my blog, with Sea of Darkness being the first.  However after finishing Midnight In Salem, we were all left wondering, "What is the name to the next Nancy Drew game?"  To this question at this time, I do not no the answer.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Most Challenging Nancy Drew Games

While I was playing around in Google Analytics, I decided to go and look at what people were searching to find my blog.  Well, one of these searches was and I quote, "Hardest Nancy Drew Games."  So, I thought, why not write a post about what I believe are some of the most difficult Nancy Drew games there are to play.  So thank you random user who decided to search the internet.  This post is all based on what games I found difficult due to challenging puzzles and game play.  So, let's get started!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

January Blogger Goals 2020

It's officially 2020 and I am super excited for what this year has to bring!  Last year, I set a bunch of New Years resolutions over the whole year.  Well, you can say that I did pretty well last year as I reached a few of my goals such as being more active in the blogging community, being consistent in blogging, and finishing a games before starting new ones.  Well this year, I think I'm going to set a few monthly goals instead of yearly goals.  So let's get started on this months goals.

Post At Least 4 Times This Month
Every year I try to blog as consistently as possible and having at least one post go out every Friday at 12pm AZ time.  This is my normal blogging schedule and I'm really hoping to stick with it this year since I seem to struggle at the beginning of the year with blogging due to getting busy with classes and just finding the motivation to write.  This year I hope with my more relaxed schedule that it will allow me to not only write post but to get ahead with it.

Get Better at Commenting on Other Posts
I have a slightly bad habit of not commenting on others post if I enjoyed what they wrote.  This month I'm hoping to improve on this and get better at commenting on everyones post that I read.

Take Time off When Needed
Whenever I get into blogging I always ended up getting burn out since I have a bad habit of trying to over work myself.  This month I'm hoping to create a balance between my blogging and taking time off.

Improve my Blog Content
Over the last year I've been improving my older blogs content and updating my older review grammar, pictures, and basically adding new things into my older reviews.  I'm super excited to continue updating everything and I can't wait for everyone too read my updated work.

Thank you everyone for reading!  I hope I'm able to follow through with my goals for the month and continue improving my blog!  So what goals do you have for either this month or this year?  I would love to know in the comments down below.

Until next time,