Friday, July 12, 2019

Garden Paws Review

I don’t think I’ve every played such a cute game in my entire life!  When it comes to Garden Paws, this is one of the cutest farming simulators I have ever played.  The game, created by Bitten Toast Games Inc. focuses on you inheriting your grandparents farm, as they set off to travel the world.  You, as the player, work with Frank at the local construction shop to finish the final touches on your new home.  You can then aid Frank and the Mayor in building up the town and all of the potential it holds.  So let's get started!

Friday, July 5, 2019

Zork Remake Demo Review

While looking at the Steam summer sale, I decided to go and look up a few older games that I loved when I was younger.  The game that I decided to look up first was the Zork Anthology.  As I already have all the games with the graphic, I decided to take a look the text adventure game again and consider adding it to my collection.  However, what I found instead had me jumping for joy.