Monday, November 29, 2021

Happy 7th Birthday to My Flourishing Retrospect

It's been 7 years since I started blogging.  Back on November 29th, 2014, I was just a simple game enthusiast who sat in their room and debated on starting a blog.  Who knew that 7 years later it would lead to everything that I've accomplished and done.  So for todays post I think I'm going to look back at the last seven years a just take a trip down memory lane.  So let's get started!

Friday, November 19, 2021

Nancy Drew The White Wolf of Icicle Creek Review

The sun is going down earlier and earlier, the temperatures are dropping, and you know what that means.  It's finally autumn in Arizona, or what other people call winter this time of year!  Ok ok, I know my 80 F degree wether is not what everyone experiences during November or even December but when it reaches this temperature it means that I can finally make some hot cocoa and play one of my favorite winter Nancy Drew games, The White Wolf of Icicle Creek!  This game was released by Her Interactive on June 7th, 2007.  So let's get started!

Friday, November 12, 2021

Nancy Drew Curse of Blackmoor Manor Review

The Curse of Blackmoor Manor is one of my favorite games to play when it's time to get into more spookier games.  This Halloween is no different with Daniella and I playing this game again over on our Twitch channel DJTwinGamers!  We were super excited to play this game over on stream and have really enjoyed playing it with so many new friends.  With this I thought it was the perfect time to write my review of the game as it helped refresh what I love about this game.  Curse of Blackmoor Manor was released by HeR Interactive on October 25th, 2004.  So let's get started!

Friday, November 5, 2021

Monthly Wrap Up: October 2021

October and Halloween are at an end, and that means its time for Christmas!  Oh, wait, I forgot we still have Novemebr to go through before December and Christmas.  Le sigh...  Oh well, I can still start early on the Christmas spirit!  However, before I can pull out the Christmas decor, I must first talk about all the games I played in October!  So let's get started!

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

HeR Interactive Mystery of the Seven Keys?

A click bait title? I know, it's not the best, but when you find out that HeR created a new trademark for a new video game called Mystery of the Seven Keys, you know that at least half of the Nancy Drew fan based will go bonkers over it. After all, HeR hasn't trademarked anything for a while. Midnight in Salem isn't trademarked so that begs to questions, what is this mysterious trademark for? Well, there's only one way to know and that is by creating our own theories about what this could be. WARNING everything in this post will be focused on not confirmed information. This is only a theory about what I think this game could be.  So, let's get started!