I can't believe that its beens 4 years since I've started blogging. Over the last 4 years, I've change my blogs name 3 times and I have 125 published post on my blog to this day. It amazing thinking about all the big and small changes my blog has gone though over the years. I've tried to write beauty, lifestyle, baking, chit chat, video gaming post, and exploring all that I could about blogging. I can see all the changes in my writing and how I've improved everything you see right here on my blog. Its just amazing where one thing can take you.
I first started my blog in November of 2014 and I was blogging under Games Reviews. Lets just say that after about a few months of that name, I didn't really have a connection to it, it was just a general name put in place and waiting to get changed. A few months into 2015 I came back to blogging with a new found idea that led me to changing my blog's name to Retrospect Reviews, my reviews were about anything and everything. This blog was used to test out the waters on all the content ideas I had in mind. I wrote anything that was deemed popular at the time which was beauty, lifestyle, baking, and of course video games being my main roots. For a time, I was really enjoying all of these posts though the struggle to keep relevant was a challenge. I didn't let it discourage me. However, in December 2017 and January 2018, I wasn't happy with my blog.
This was my third year of blogging at this point. I was struggling to come up with content to write about. I wasn't enjoying it and it felt more like a chore than a fun hobby as it had originally start as. Basically my blog took a dip off the cliff where it would be forever missing. In February 2018, I decided at that point change my blog name with the help of my twin Daniella (The Little Book Spy). I felt that I needed something sturdy, original, and more focused on what I wanted to blog about. She had also gone through the same thing, when it came to her own blog name too.
I have always love the word Retrospect because of it meaning, "a review of or meditations on past events." So to keep some of my original name, I decided to focus on something that I enjoyed and found joy in. About what I love and what I wanted to share with everyone that reads my writing. In a way, I considered my blog to be flourishing with the new possibilities that it held, which led to my new name, My Flourishing Retrospect. However, that inspiration didn't seem to last as long as I hoped it would. With college homework and classes I was still trying to adjust to my new schedule and figure out, what did I really want to do for my blog?
In July this year, all of my classes were over and I had a small summer break to do what ever I wanted. So I decided, now is the time to start my blog back up, this was my blogs moment to shine. If I really wanted to get back into blogging, and now is the time to do it! So I decided to open my notes program on my computer and create not only a list of post ideas, but a list of posts and their schedule dates. Being able to organize my posts felt good and I was motivated going forward.
At first my writing was slow only, being able to write a few post, but I was challenged on what else I could write or post about, I was only able to get about 1 to 2 post written head of time. After about the first two weeks, I decided to ask Daniella if she could give me any suggestions on what I could write about. Her suggestions was The Sims. Since I have so much Sims 4 content she though it would be a perfect fit with my gaming blog. At first I was hesitant on taking my blog in this direction. I didn't really think people would be interested in seeing Sims 4 post. Then on July 21 I decided to test the waters about the Sims 4 post. I decided that I was going to build something and share what I came up with. The winning build was a Victorian House.
I was amazed that 19 people voted in my poll. I was over the moon that people wanted to see this kind of post. So I decided then to take it little further and decided to share my first post about my favorite Sims 4 CC (Custom Content). This post shows 5 sets that I loved out of the main sets I own. I didn't expect this post to get 25 views. There has only been one post that I have received a lot of views for in my entire blogging career and that was when I wrote about the teaser for Nancy Drew Midnight in Salem. For my first Sims 4 favorites, I received 25 view. I was shocked, 25 view, no I must be mistaken there's no way my blog out of the millions of sites online that I had 25 views when I would usually get maybe 1-5 views.
I know my blog is still small and I know that it will never get super big, but these Sims 4 post took on a life of their own. On August 31, I posted my first ever Sims 4 build creating a Victorian House that any history fan would love in two parts. The first post showing off the lower floor level. The second post showing off the second story. I was amazed someone was interested in my house build and for my love of everything Sims. Each of these post reached up too 15 to 20 views.
This last few month have been such a blast writing and I have found what I love writing about! I've already finish this years list of ideas for upcoming posts and have started on next years as well. I have felt so inspired to write and come up with new content that I think everyone could enjoy.
For those of you have read my post, commented, or even just hit like on my post on Twitter, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for helping me find my joy in blogging again and all for encouraging me to continue. I specifically want to thank Daniella, for not only encouraging me to start blogging again, but to help me change my name and help my blog be about something that I love and enjoy.
Today is My Flourishing Retrospect's 4th birthday, I'm just going to sit back and think of all the fun I've had blogging and how it has allowed me to grow, expand, experiment, and just be myself.
The year is almost over with only about month left and I will aspire to grow my blog in so many ways. There will be no post this Friday since I've posted today. Again, thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed my blog's journey over the last 4 years, and hopefully I will have many more great years to come here on my blog in the future.
Until next time,
Congratulations!! ������ It's amazing to read how much your blog has changed and grown over the years!
ReplyDeleteTaiwo | alifestylenerd.wordpress.com
Happy four years of blogging, you have achieved so much in this time! (: X
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you've fallen back in Love with blogging again.
ReplyDeleteThis is such a lovely post! Thank-you for sharing your journey. There have been a lot of ups and downs but that's life. You're now stronger than ever and have achieved soo much in this time. I wish you all the best and hope you finish 2018 on a high.
ReplyDeleteGemma | www.anoceanglimmer.wordpress.com