Tuesday, December 1, 2020

My Flourishing December Goals 2020

It seems like it's been forever since I've written anything on my blog and I suppose it has since the last time I wrote anything for my blog was back in September and my last post was on October 2nd.  I thought it would be a good idea to just share kind of what's been happening over the last few months and why I haven't been posting/active on social media.  As well as what I'm planing on in the future on my blog.  So let's get started!

Since about September I have been drowning in a hells worth of college homework and it has been super time consuming.  To the point of where I'm taking my only free time available to spend it on everything but blogging.

So for over the last few months, with the little free time that I have had, all I've had the brain power to do is read fanfic for POTO (Phantom of the Opera) (To the point of being obsessive, since I've read like 60+ stories over the last 4 month with many of them constantly updated), play only a small amount of video games (The horror of how I've neglected my poor, poor games), and spending my days knitting a blanket (Which I've been procrastinating about since about June).  As bad as I've been about doing absolutely nothing for my blog, including finding the time to take a new sims 4 picture, taking this time off has been very much needed.

Looking towards the future, I'm hoping to be able to start blogging again this month or at the latest in early January depending on what I have going on when it comes to my homework schedule and my inspiration!  I'm really hoping to get the chance to start working on some more game reviews and a few other fun posts soon as I've really missed blogging, but I'm also having trouble deciding what to play since I have so many games to choose from.  I know that because I've been super busy in my personal life that I've really neglected my blog, which I am super upset about but now that I've somewhat returned hope to pick up where I left off.  Maybe for next weeks post I can put together a list of some of the games that I'm looking forward to playing...

Another thing that I'm really wanting to do is try and get into creating fun and cute gaming images for Instagram!  My twin Daniella (The Little Book Spy), has been creating these cute little book images that I've been itching to try and create for the physical games I have in my collection.  Hopefully with the time that I will be getting off will give me the opportunity to make these.  If you want to go and her photos you can find them at @LittleBookSpy on Instagram.

Also because of not having very much time in my personal life, I will not be participating in any form of Blogmas!  The stress of writing 25 or ever 12 posts over a short part of time will drive me crazy since I want to slowly ease back into blogging not jump head first into a world of cause of trying to keep up with a ridiculous posting schedule.

Thank you everyone for reading!  I'm really excited to start blogging again and I cannot wait to write some more reviews as everything is finally starting to slow down!  Yay for winter break!  Now, I hope that with this time that I have given myself will allow me to catch up on post so that I can plan for future posts.  I would love to know what kind of fun gaming related posts or games you would like me to review in the future, so please let me know in the comment section what you would like to see.

Until next time,

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