Friday, January 7, 2022

Happy 2022 Flourishing Retrospect

It's the beginning of a New Year and this year I'm determined to be successful! Or at least work towards some fun goals that I've set for myself this year. Yup, this year I have some New Year resolutions that I have planned that I'm hoping to complete this year and hopefully all my dreams and goals will come true! So let's get started!
  This year is the year of change and I'm going to do everything in my power to embrace it.  It also means getting out f my comfort zone and work on my secret projects and try to make my dreams come true.  Which means lots of hard wok!  So without further ado, here are my resolutions for this year!

1.  Play More Games!
This year is going to be the first year where I'm out of college and I now have the freedom to play as many games as I want.  But that doesn't mean that my responsibilities aren't going to take priority.  I'm already start this goal by play Sherlock Holmes Chapter One, Stardew Valley, Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and Assassin's Creed Black Flag!

2. Work on my Gaming Instagram Photos
This has been one of my most favorite things that I started working on in 2021.  This really gave me the ability to create and practice my photography skill and this year I want to work on different kinds of photos.  I love creating photos for Nancy Drew but I also want to expand what kind of games I take photos for.  I know it will be difficult since most of my games are all on my PC and I don't have any hand held consoles (I know shocking!).  However, I think I might use my iPad and see how that goes.

3.  Knit More, and Learn New Patterns
This year I really want to start my next knitting project.  Last year I finished my first knitting blanket ups a few days after Christmas.  This year I can finally start working on my own blanket again!  I already have 10 inches on it from when I started it back in 2020.  But now I can finally start on it again and hopefully I can finish it this year!

4. Read More Books, or at least more than Daniella.
Ok this isn't really a goal or anything, more than healthy twin/sibling competition.  I told her that I would be able to read more books than her this little comment let to us both become super competitive with each other and have a friendly competition of who could read more books than the other.  At the moment I'm winning by like one book, but we still have 12 months worth of time left before we determine if I win or if she wins!   Honestly I'm just in for the ride and if I read more than her than so be it.  If not then oh well.  I still think it would be fun.

5.  Stream more!
This year I would really love to stream more Nancy Drew games or other games that I absolutely love.  However, that means that I need to make sure my priorities are set straight and I complete these first before I can stream.  This month is a month of learning and figuring out what I can and can't do.  Which means lots of trial and error.  Just like during the first week of January.  I said I was going to stream and every single time I planned it everything just kept getting thrown out the window because of new tasks that need to be completed.  Hopefully I can schedule one in later.  Fingers crossed!

Thank you everyone for reading.  This year is the year for improvement and I'm looking forward to the challenged ahead.  So what are your New Years resolutions?  Do any of them involve playing video games?  I would love to know!

Until next time,

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