Sunday, March 1, 2020

March Blogging Goals 2020

It seems like time is just flying by and as February comes to an end.  Now we move onto March!  The start to spring with the warmer weather, spring showers, and more games to be released!  So for todays post I'm going to be focusing on what I'm going to be doing this month.  Let's get stared!

Well this month is going to be busy!  After dropping one of my classes in mid February, I had so much more free time that I was excited to take some time off from blogging extensively and homework since I had planned and written out all my reviews in advance.  Well next month, out of the four classes I'm taking, one is ending today as I have to submit my final exam and a paper today.  The second class I'm taking will continue until May.  Now to the fun part of my last two classes.  I have two 8 week classes starting soon and oh boy are they busy looking!  This will definitely take time away from blogging and hopefully during my spring break I'll get the change to get a head with my reviews and post up until May!

So then it leads me to the questions, what am I planing on reviewing over the next month?  Well  at the moment, I have two very special games that I will be reviewing this month!  I can't wait to review these two games and I hope to have them out very soon as I am in the pre-stages of prepping my post in advance before I play and review the game.  However, since I haven't really announce what game I'm going to be playing yet, I'm just going to keep it a surprise for now.  I might share on what the games are over on Twitter so make sure you're following me at @RetrosepctBlog.

Though these two posts will only take up two of my four posts this month, I am also planing on reviewing some more of my favorite Nancy Drew games as well!  I've been really wanting to finish up more of my Nancy Drew reviews that have been sitting on my to do list for over 6 years (I'm not kidding about how long its taken me).  I have two games in mind that I will be writing my reviews for in-between these other two games.

Thank you everyone for reading!  This month and probably the next three months up until after exams in May are going to make blogging super hectic but I'm up for the challenge!  If there is any change in my schedule when it come to posting then you can find then usually over on my Twitter @RetrospectBlog!  So are you looking forward to my next set of review and can you guess what Nancy Drew games I will be reviewing next? Let me know in the comment below as I would love to see your guesses.

Until next time,

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