Friday, April 16, 2021

My Top 10 Hardest Nancy Drew Puzzles

I seem to be in a Nancy Drew mood, where basically everything I think about is Nancy Drew related! Well this month, I think I’m going to indulge myself by having all my posts this April focus on the Nancy Drew games. I have always wanted write a post sharing what I think are some of the most difficult puzzles to solve, however, it wasn’t until I happened to see HeR mentioning that post idea when I decided to dust off my old collection of drafts to share what my top 10 hardest Nancy Drew puzzles. So let’s get started!

*All of the puzzles listed are what I find to be the most difficult and could contain spoilers and puzzle solutions.*

Ransom of the Seven Ships: Hourglass Puzzle

Ransom of the Seven Ships: Hourglass Puzzle
Out of all the Nancy Drew games, this puzzle has to be one of the biggest turn offs for me when it comes to play this game... Well, second to the sailing since I remember having such a hard time controlling the boat.  The goal of this puzzle it to get the sand in each of the glasses to end at the exact same time which will reveal *Spoiler* treasure!  I believe that the last time I played this game was possibly in 2013 or a few years before then, I can't remember   I just remember Daniella and I spending a little over 2 days on trying to get this puzzle solved.  We were also recording the game for our own personal walkthrough (which will remain unpublished) and we had hours worth of useless recording on this specific puzzle.  

The Haunting of Castle Malloy: Chemical Puzzle

The Haunting of Castle Malloy: Chemical Puzzle
Unlike RAN and its almost impossible hour glass puzzle, HAU Chemical puzzle has to be one of the second most difficult puzzle I have ever played.  Though this one is solvable, the constant pick up chemical, place chemical in correct cubby, don't explode, save, and repeat. It does get tiring but compared to RAN, I will choose to solve this puzzle every time, well so long as I have notes on what chemical goes where.

Sea of Darkness: Kitchen Orders

Sea of Darkness: Kitchen Orders
When I first saw this puzzle, I though it couldn't be that hard.  I made the assumption that since I was good a making Bento boxes in Shadow at the Waters Edge that I would have no problem with making kitchen orders.  Well, I was flat out wrong on that and I absolutely hate having to solve this puzzle and you can say that I'm very happy that this is only side puzzle.  The only solvable portion of this mini game has to be the order were you get a one full order of 6 of the same items in a row.

Sea of Darkness: Arrange the Dog Toy Puzzle

Sea of Darkness: Arrange the Dog Toys Puzzle
Though this game was fun, man did it have some of the most difficult puzzles I had to solve.  I was completely lost on trying solve this puzzle and for some reason I just can't wrap my head around how to solve it.  I have played SEA a total of 5 or more times and I still can't solve it without cheating.  You would think that this puzzle would be pretty straight forward since the instructions are just to your left but I just could not understand the best way to organize these toys.

The White Wolf of Icicle Creek: Ice Flow Puzzle

The White Wolf of Icicle Creek: Ice Flow Puzzle
I remember when I first did this puzzle, I remember freezing so many times it was ridiculous.  Even though this still gets me every time, I still play this game because its one of my favorite winter games to play.  However, I absolutely hate trying to solve the ice flow puzzle because of the random ice pieces appearing and disappearing.  I would rather cook and clean the rest of the game.

Shadow at the Waters Edge: Junior Nonogram Puzzle Solution

Shadow at the Water's Edge: Master Nonogram Puzzle
I always had fun solving some of the easier Nonograms and as long they weren't to difficult then I would be perfectly fine solving them by hand.  However, the end game monogram puzzle gets me every single time.  Mostly for the fact that you must have all the dark spaces marked as "X" to get the puzzle to solve correctly.  Which also means wasting time having to change all the marks over from a dark square to an "X."  So

Danger By Design: Film Puzzle

Danger By Design: Develop Film Puzzle
I remember when I first played this game a little over about 8+ years ago.  It was one of the last older ND game I had yet to play and I remember the endless amount of stick notes on my computer screen trying to solve this puzzle since you couldn't see anything.  One false click and you would explode!  It didn't even matter if you knocked over the water in the game you would still explode.  Well, thankfully this puzzle can be easily completed with cheats (Flushing the toilet 10 times and get an Easter egg!) but doing this puzzle by hand is quite the challenge.

The Creature of Kapu Cave: Frass Sorting for Red

The Creature of Kapu Cave: Frass Sorting Puzzle
This was one of the first games that I ever played and though it will always hold a special place in my heart since it was my first ND game, I absolutely despise sorting through the frass jars.  I know it should be simple to separate the different items found in the jars but I just found it tedious and annoying, especially when I had one number wrong.

The Phantom of Venice: Water Well Map

The Phantom of Venice: Water Well Maze
I don't know what it is about this puzzle but I get so confused on what I actually need to do to solve it.  I always feel like I'm walking in circles when trying to solve this puzzle and I will 9 out of 10 times cheat on this puzzle because it requires you to be pretty specific.

Message in a Haunted Mansion: Floor Tile Puzzle

Message in a Haunted Mansion: Floor Tile Puzzle
Though this puzzle isn't super hard as its a pretty simple and straight forward puzzle, the floor tile puzzle is so finicky since you have to get each piece in the correct spot other wise the will over lap.  Thankfully its solvable, and it doest take to long to solve but I always remember getting annoyed when having to solve this puzzle.

Thank you everyone for reading!  I hope you enjoyed my top 10 hardest Nancy Drew puzzles.  I know that there are probably more difficult puzzles than what I have listed but these were the ones that came to my mind for the different games.  So what are some you your most difficult Nancy Drew puzzles?  Did I list them out or do you have another difficult puzzle?  I would love to know down in the comments below.

Until next time,

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