Friday, April 30, 2021

How Nancy Drew Has Inspired Me

To end my month of Nancy Drew posts, I thought it would be fun to share how Nancy Drew, or should I say that Nancy Drew game series inspired me to start my own blog.  Before I started writing this post, I actually had a few other ideas for what I wanted my last ND post for my blog this month.  I had it all written and prepared but I felt that it was too much of a filler post and decided to kind of get back to my roots of how HeR's Nancy Drew encouraged me to start blogging. So let get started!

One of the first games that got me into gaming was when I received my very first game, Nancy Drew Creature of Kapu Cave.  It was around 2008 when I was first gifted the game, however, it wasn't until 2009 when I finally able to take the time to play the game.  I immediately fell in love with the game and I could not wait until I could play Nancy Drew The White Wolf of Icicle Creek.  I can still remember going out to my local Target the same day we finished the game to get the next one in the series!  It was one of the first few games that I fell in love with and gave me the sleuthing itch to continue the next game.

During 2014, I began to experiment with blogging and learning about all the different requirements it takes to make a blog in my high school Computer Literacy class (Pretty much the basics on how to use Blogger).  I thought it was so cool and I was super interested in possibly starting my own.  I thought it would fun to start my own blog but I never really knew what to write since I wasn't the best writer back then.

It wasn't until November 29th, 2014, when I was inspired to create my very own video game review blog!  I remember sitting with the webpage open and debating if I really wanted to do this or not.  I was nervous about the unknown of blogging and honestly for someone who didn't really use social media or anything it was super scary.  It felt like I was putting a piece of myself online for everyone to see.  At that moment in time, I decided to face my fears head on and post my very first review for Nancy Drew Secret of the Old Clock, which is my favorite Nancy Drew game.  I wanted my very first post to be something special for me and give me the remind of why I write review and started my blog.  To share my love for the Nancy Drew games with others.

Nancy Drew books and the Nancy Drew games inspired my very first blog post and continuously shapes my blogging to this day, especially with the number of Nancy Drew posts I’ve written over the years.  Her character has shaped who I am and how I approach everything in my life.  Nancy Drew has taught me how to think critically, look at all the facts and evidence, how to be kind and compassionate person to everyone I meet, and how to face everything head on no matter what challenges I face.  To this day Nancy Drew has inspired me to step out of my boundaries and look to the future, as I challenge myself everyday.

Thank you everyone for reading!  Nancy Drew has been a big part of my life and she will continue to influence my life every day.  It’s just amazing how one character can truly influence a person.  So how has Nancy Drew inspired you?  I would love to know down in the comments below.

Until next time,

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