Saturday, April 3, 2021

What’s Going on at HeR Interactive 2021 Update

There's been a lot of speculation going around in the Nancy Drew community over the last week or so and with everything that I have learned and seen so far, I thought I'd take the time to share my thoughts on what is happening with HeR Interactive and what could possibly be happening. Originally, I wrote a post last year talking about the changes that we'd been witnessing and this year there seems to be another update on a rumored end of an era for Nancy Drew.  This is all speculation right now since nothing is confirmed, so please be warned.  So let's get started.

Nancy Drew Walkthroughs: Dear HeR Interactive, What is Going On?

The Facts:
Earlier this year, HeR decided to not only update their website, but they updated their advertisements as well.  In addition, I think everyone remembers the email scandal where HeR sent some very boring/plain emails advertising Midnight In Salem.  This was the beginning of all the secret changes HeR started to make that was very confusing for fans and it was never really explained what was happening.

This week, Huw Miller known as (Nancy Drew Walkthroughs), shared a new video discussing how HeR are no longer renting their current office building in Bellevue, WA.  It was found out through other ND fans that the office space was put back up for rent back in January 2021.  The only location, which shows the changed address, is on HeR Privacy Policy Page and if you're subscribed to the HeR Interactive Newsletter at the bottom of their email.  Now, it still says the old address on their contact me page as of April 2nd, 2021, but that will probably will be changing soon as well.

Former HeR Office:
HeR Interactive, Inc.
 325 118th Avenue SE, Suite 209
 Bellevue, WA 98005

HeR New PO Box:
Her Interactive Inc. c/o Privacy
PO Box 1092, Renton, WA 98057

Now the big question is, "Where is their new office space now?"  Right now, they have no new office, it's only a PO Box in Renton, WA.  Honestly, it's absolutely baffling that HeR only has a PO Box and no office space.  I know due to the pandemic and lockdowns, its not exactly cheap to rent an office space that isn't being used, especially if you understand how expensive Washington State is (I should know, it is ridiculously expensive), so it would make sense that they would want to cut down on this kind of cost.

It was also announced this month that HeR was having a "Collector's Sale" which basically sounds like HeR is liquidating all of their products.  This sale goes for all the remaining physical games available in their stores, jigsaw puzzles, and anything else they have left over that is physical.  Though this was shocking to say the least, I know that this is more based on HeR not wanting to pay to store these items in a warehouse.  I'm not too concerned about this since they have admitted that they will only have a set number of physical copies of the games and they won’t be making any more.  However, the digital versions of the game will still be available.

The sale is only 25% off using the code "LASTCHANCE" which basically $5 dollars off your order.  Unless the sale was something dramatic, like 75% off or higher, then I think I would be more worried, but for now I’m not.  

The final fact I have to share is the claim about HeR making a new Nancy Drew game.  Little Jackalope (Calina) has used her StoryRetold account to tell fans that HeR is working on a new game and HeR has hinted to this as well, but other than saying that, there has been no concrete news about a new Nancy Drew game.  This leaves many to believe that it's not going to happen since we're kind of in the dark when it comes to any/all information regarding the mysterious Nancy Drew Game #34.

There are so many possibilities of what could be happening and it makes my head spin just thinking about it!  This makes me nervous since I think I know what could possibly happen.  I have listened to both Huw Miller's video on it, @TheNancyDrewTimes Instagram Stories opinion, and I've read just about everything I could possibly find.  Honestly, it's getting really hard to believe that HeR is working on another game with each of piece of information that I've found.  I know I've speculated "Nancy Drew Game #34" but that's just me having fun, being creative, and dreaming about a potential future game.  Now we're faced with two options on what's going on with HeR.

Option 1: Clear Space/Rebranding
HeR is liquidating and trying to get rid of the old physical games/products to update their games/company.  Honestly, with the new website and ad changes (which by the way, looks like someone playing around in Photoshop and InDesign), it looks like they are trying to appeal to a younger audience than those who grew up with the games.  What this change entails, I don't know.  We already know that HeR has been really focused on appealing to a younger audience for the games based on the marketing ads we've seen (Play and Learn).  This could be just a new strategy they're using to move forward. In addition, I've seen them partner with people who have large followings (like Big Brother Season 21 and 22 star, Nicole Anthony) and others to promote giveaways for the game.  What HeR is planning is still up for speculation since they have not stated what their main goal is.

Option 2:  Goodbye HeR
This is probably the more dramatic answer, HeR is closing and that they are basically going belly under.  There is nothing at this point and time to suggest this since they updated their website, which costs money and why would a company who's going under update their website?  I don't see that happening quite yet, even though they don't have an office space, it really does make one nervous about the future of the company.

Will HeR have another game?
Honestly, I don't know if there will be another game right now.  HeR doesn't talk about it, they don't give us updates on what's going on in the company, and it's basically resulted in disgruntled fans who are angry with how HeR is treating the fan base.  Basically, I'm upset with whoever is pulling the strings at HeR and is not allowing anyone to share what's been happening with the company. This is also kind of disrespectful to new fans who are also discovering the games and are waiting for news on what's going to happen next.  All they really need to do is reaffirm that “they are working on the game, but have nothing to show yet since it's still early development.”

Maybe release a title, or a quick image of something that's a work in process. This will not only appease fans, but maybe HeR would get a break from all of the negative comments they receive on a regular basis asking about the game 34.  As long and they confirm that they're working on a new game every so often.  But as of April 2nd, 2021, it does not look like there will be another Nancy Drew game and Midnight In Salem is currently their last game.

What happens if HeR goes under?
If HeR were to go under, then that would basically be it.  I don't really know what would happen to their games if they go under.  It’s possible that there games won’t be sold anymore.  All I know is, it will truly break my heart if it does come to that.  

However, I know that some Nancy Drew Fans have said that if they could, they would try and buy HeR up and try to keep the games from disappearing or at least preserve them.  If it was possible for that to happen, it would be interesting to see how the fans could possibly take over the company and see how it would work if someone was to buy it and work on hiring a team to work on a new game.  I know that Daniella (The Little Book Spy) and I would love to be a part of that deal.  We're huge big fans of the games and we would love to help preserve the games or even help make new games.  But, let's hope that it doesn't come down to that.

Thank you everyone for reading my very long ramblings!  I am honestly surprised how long this post is and I guess it really shows how much has already happened in 2021 with HeR.  If anyone wants to talk about what they think is happening with HeR, I will be more than happy to talk about it on social media.  I know I will be participating with a few others online about what's been happening and I will be keeping an eye on HeR interactive for any/all news.

Until next time,

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