Friday, April 9, 2021

My Top 5 Tip For Playing Nancy Drew

Back on March, 8th, I was mentioned in the Press Any Button Podcast!  I'm super honored that my little old blog was mentioned in Episode 6: Nancy Drew The Captive Curse, where they talked about my theory on my blog post, "Nancy Drew Game #34 Teased" or possibly my "What Do We Know about Nancy Drew #34."  Over on the Press Any Button Instagram, they shared their friend Mallory's top 5 tips for Nancy Drew.  With this I was asked by one of the listener, @Lady_Tater over on Instagram about sharing my own top five tips for play Nancy Drew.  So here are my top 5 tips for playing Nancy Drew!

1.  Always have Paper and Pencil or a Phone/Tablet
Whenever you go to play a Nancy Drew game, its super important to have scratch paper or even a phone handy to take note with.  Sometimes it depends of what you feel would better fit a situation.  I prefer a mix of both paper and pencil for written notes and my phone for photos.

2.  Talk to Everyone!  Including Phone Characters
This has to be one of the most important aspect of the game that you can do.  I know that talking to each character can take time and if you've play the game once before, you really don't want to listen to the same dialogue again, but I think thats honestly where you can lose out on vital information.  This also goes for phone character since they are they to help you layout the information you've gotten from the main characters and organize it in what it could mean.  Also sometimes by selecting a different answer or you might find something that could surprise you.

For example, in Secret of the Old Clock, there is a hidden dialogue that you can trigger about Mr. Archer and Carson Drew knowing each other!  I very rarely get this conversation and unless I select a specific dialogue choice, Mr. Archer will ask if Nancy is Carson Drew's daughter and then you can talk to Carson about it on the payphone.  So its always good to talk to everyone!

3.  Read Everything, or at least Skim Read
Like most people, I'm not one for sitting around and reading all the reading material available.  For the most part, not all the reading is important, or at least what I’ve found, which means you now have the fun job of figuring out what's important and what's not.  What is important is that you know where to find the information incase it becomes important later on.  So, I would highly recommend that you take notes of all the different readings so you can go back and look at it later if you don't want to read it when you first find it.

This is especially important when you play games with libraries worth of information.  A.K.A. Secrets Can Kill, Treasure in the Royal Tower, and Danger on Deception Island just to name a few.

4.  Be Creative and Resourceful
When playing the Nancy Drew games, one of the post important aspects you need to use is being creative.  Whether it’s solving a puzzle, trying to unlock that door, or using some random piece of information you learned outside of the game!  There are to many time when I’m playing a Nancy Drew game where I’m learning about a specific topic outside of the game that actually helps me solve some of the puzzles.  Games such as Tomb of the Lost Queen, Midnight In Salem, and Secret of the Scarlet Hand are just a few examples of games where I’ve used outside information in the games to help me progress.  For example, a history class I took in high school helped me solve puzzles in both TMB and SSH.  I’ve also happened to see tv shows where I’ve used the factual information to also help me solve puzzles as well.

5.  Explore the World
Each Nancy Drew game is created in a unique world/environment.  It is crucial that you explore every nook and cranny of these environments because you ultimately might miss something.  Whether its picking up that iron from the attic in Message In a Haunted Mansion or finding the gear in The Final Scene.  However, this isn't just limited to the items you would need to progress in the game.  This would also focus on the information available for Nancy to find.  

*Bonus Tip 6.* Having a Game Themed Snack
Always have game themed snacks at the ready!  Nothing goes together better than solving a mystery and having a snack right off to the side while you play!  I always try and have it themed around the game, since I usually plan on playing for a few hour and it just makes it so much fun.  For example, if you were to play The Final Scene, the best snack you could probably have is popcorn or anything movie theater snacks that you want.  This tip is more for fun than actually being helpful but still, I found it fun to include.


Thank you everyone for reading!  I hope you enjoyed my own version of my top 5 tips for playing Nancy Drew!  I will admit that my list is fairly similar to the other one share but I guess that proves how great minds will think alike.  Also, while writing this post, I felt a great sense of déjá vu.  I don't know why, but I feel like I wrote a post listing my top 5 tips for playing the ND game but it never was saved if I did.  Anyways, I feel these are the best things you can focus on while playing the Nancy Drew games!

If you want, check out my "Nancy Drew Games For Beginners" for games where I recommend the games I think are the best for new players.  Though this list doesn't contain all the easy games in the series (there are quite a few of them), this does list out my top five recommended games.  If you want more of a challenge, check out my "The Most Challenging Nancy Drew Games" post where I still some of the most challenging games in the series.  If you want to see more of my Nancy Drew related posts, check out all my Nancy Drew posts here!  Also check out my other Game Reviews for new recommendations of games that I have played.

Until next time,

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