Friday, April 23, 2021

The Complete List of All The Nancy Drew Easter Egg's

I’ve always wanted to expand upon some of my collection of Nancy Drew themed posts and with the possibility of a new game coming in the future (fingers crossed), I thought it would be fun to put together my own collection list of all the Easter Eggs, phone charms, and fun tidbits in all the Nancy Drew games, whether they are fun little surprise in the game or if there are physical Easter eggs you can earn as well as a few glitches or fun bugs in the game as well that you can trigger. If a new game is released, I will also try my best to update my list here.  I also want to give special thanks to Daniella (The Little Book Spy) for helping with this list as she collected so much information over the years!  So let’s get started!

*Warning: Spoilers*
*This guide is full of spoilers so read at your own risk.  Use the command F keys to search the page for each game for quicker results.*

Friends Phone Numbers and Meanings:
Bess: 555-4468 (HINT)
George: 555-2583 (CLUE)
Ned: 555-4357 (HELP)
Hardy Boy's: 555-4865 (HUNK)

1. Secrets Can Kill
Though you do not get a physical Easter egg, there is the Easter eggs of being able to listen to different funny messages using the phone in the students lounge.  The numbers you can call are:

Tony's Pizza: 555-8669 (Tony)
The Police: 555-4855 (Hulk)
Jake's Loker: 555-5253 (Jake)
Aunt Eloise: 555-1204
Save the Manatees Club: 1-800-432-5646
Judo School: 555-5836 (Judo)
Maxine's Diner: 555-2700
Drug Depot: 555-3784 (Drug)

1R. Secrets Can Kill Remastered
On the billboard to the right of the library, there is a message that says, "Cool, Cool, Pop, Spot, Grape." Enter it into one of the soda machines and you will get a 

Solve Jakes Puzzle Box before you get the first symbol in the match box and you will get a Yellow Easter egg.  You will need to look up Jake's combination code in the school library were you will get the result for Evidence where it will tell you to go look under his seat in the library.

After earning these two Easter eggs, a strange line appears in Nancy's Journal where it says, "I can't wait to go home and help my friends in the ..ERROR.." which is referring to the Clues Challenge in Alibi in Ashes.

With this being the Nancy's 80th Anniversary, you can also call a special number on Nancy's phone with a message from the HeR team wishing Nancy a Happy 80th Anniversary and to 
another 80 more.


What year was Paseo del Mar High founded? - 1967

What is the name of the local newspaper? - Paseo Times

What is Hulk's football jersey number? - 80

Which item is NOT on the diner menu? - Baked Corndogs

Which of these flavors of soda is not sold in the high school? - Bubbly

What is the name of the library? - Memorial Library

2. Stay Tuned for Danger
Similar to the original Secrets Can Kill, there are no physical Easter eggs.  However, there are some fun glitches you can explore.  By double clicking on Mattie's Dresser in the cabinet above the sink with perfume in it, Nancy will then teleport to Dwayne's office.

At Mattie's apartment, go to the phone and call 555-5253, from the previous game Secrets Can Kill, A error window will pop up and after you click "OK" you will then be in the studio getting yelled at by Lillian.

3. Message in the Haunted Mansion
Towards the end of the game, after retrieving the Phoenix's Eye from the safe in Nancy's room, place it back in its place in the Phoenix head on the left of the stairs and then head to the attic.  Open the chest where you found the iron and you will see a face that looks like Abby!

After placing the phoenix eye in the stairs, you can also head to the parlor and answer the phone if its ringing and hear a voice that says, "I've fallen and I can't get up!"  However some people have trouble getting this to work properly.  It is found that by setting your alarm to 3 p.m. and going to the phone will make it ring.

On Lewis's computer you have the option of solve a maze to unlock his computer.  While in the maze, press "M" on your keyboard to give you a map of the Maze.

Louis Chandler: 555-3253 (FAKE)

4. Treasure in the Royal Tower
Using the phone in your room, call GOCATS (462287), MCQUAK (627825), or ARACARI (2722274) for a special surprise for each call of different sound effects!

5. The Final Scene
In the ticket booth, call The Library of Congress (1-202-555-5000) before talking to Eustacia about it.  The phone will then turn into a jukebox allowing you to-lay different songs from the game.

In the ticket booth, pick up the phone and click in the upper-left hand corner of the screen and get an entirely new keypad.

6. Secret of the Scarlet Hand
Just like SCK and STFD, there are no physical Easter eggs, however there are some fun glitches!

Dial 555-5412 on the phone in the laboratory.  Wait for the caption changes from "ringing" to "**ringing**" and then without handing up the phone, dial 555-6766.  You will then be transported to Nancy hotel room!

Just like in Message In a Haunted Mansion, you can also press "M" on your keyboard to give you a map of the Maze.

Calling Franklin Rose about Prudence Rutherford after Joanna gets set to the police station.  If you call him at that time, the only thing you can tell him about is sending Joanna back to the museum and you won't; be able to talk to him about Prudence Rutherford.  Even if you call her, she won't answer and the game won't progress.

7. Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake
Call 555-6266 (Manon) or 555-7658 (Sovler) and hear Nancy congratulate you on being the first to figure out that Secret of the scarlet hand was her next mystery,  She rewards them by place an actual Easter egg in your inventory.  With this Easter egg, you can use it in the woods to find new paths and walk through trees.  Most of these are dead ends but a message will appear in the text box where there will be shoutouts or a developers rant about having to change the entire woods.

Hardy Boy's: 555-4865 (HUNK)

8. The Haunted Carousel
When Ingrid is done, facing the exit door just before you go back to the map, click the very left corner of the game window.  Your magnifying glass will turn red.  Then Nancy will get a phone call from a contest asking the question, "What is the capital of Wisconson?"  The answer is "Madison" and once you enter it you will receive an Easter egg!

Using the egg as a cursor (holding it while walking around), go to Eliot's studio and open the box in Eliot's studio (there are a box of horse tails).  Then go to the Midway Games and click on the far right of the screen towards the garage (facing the Prize-o-Matic) to get a blast from the past of Nancy calling herself from Message in a Haunted Mansion (MHM).

9. Danger on Deception Island
Kayak to the secret beach and in the tide pool at the end of the beach, click on the guppy 30 times and get a special message from him.

In the tunnels, open the trap door that Nancy can't go through and after opening it multiple time you will get an interesting collage of photos rotating though the door.

10. The Secret of Shadow Ranch
Sadly there are no physical Easter eggs in Secret of Shadow Ranch.  HeR intended there to be Easter eggs with an award found in the files, but it is not accessible in the game.

In some locations in the game while using your phone, you will see an out of service appear on your screen.  To access your phone in a "No Service" area, simply click on the web button on you phone then click the call button.  Now you can call Bess and George all the way out in the middle of nowhere!

On the magnet puzzle under the rock in Trail Stop, go into the puzzle about 10 times and after the 10th time, the wooden blocks that hide the puzzle will disappear making it easier for you to solve.

11. Curse of Blackmoor Manor
In Jane's room, click on the chattering teeth with eyes 10 times and you will get an egg!

With the Easter egg selected on your curser, click the teeth again one more time and with the egg still selected, go and set your clock to 6:00 p.m. to get an interesting dream about frogs.

With the Easter egg selected, on the phone in Nancy's room, click the last button on the phone to hear a very familiar voice from Secret of Shadow Ranch.

12. Secret of the Old Clock
In Emily's room, straighten the painting above Emily's bed about 10 times and get a surprise of someone saying, "I'm just tickled pink."

Though this isn't an Easter egg, in the clock pendulum behind Jane, there is a clue on how to solve the Mirror puzzle in the Carriage house.  You are only allowed to go and look at this clue after Jane has left her podium.

13. Last Train to Bluemoon Canyon
There is no physical Easter egg.  However, there are some extra clues and story options you can find that are not required to move the game forward.

Under the table where Lori disappeared, you can find the button that opens a hidden door behind the bookcase.

After looking at the picture of Camille in the dinning car.  Go to the sleeping cart and look out the window with the blinds that are open the most.  At one point, you will see a ghostly figure bounding around outside the window.  You can make a comment about it to John to get extra dialogue.

Have Tino tell you about what happened with the emergency break (you can also find packing peanuts to the left of Tino's desk).  You can also help Tino and Lori fall in love again!

14. Danger by Design
In Dieter's bathroom/darkroom, flush the toilet 10 times to get an egg.  After you get the egg, you can turn back to the developing films puzzle and have it auto complete!

After you get the egg and have looked at Jean's PDA, you can call two new numbers from Jean's PDA list.

Phone Numbers:
Anne-Lucie Croix (Morse Code):48-15-16-23-42
Pace Carrol (Guitar Riff):10-80-01-08-00

Though it is unknown how to trigger this glitch, after Dieter leaves his darkroom, you can go and knock on the door while he is standing at his table and get his response, "Sorry, too busy."

15. The Creature of Kapu Cave
Sadly there are no Easter eggs in the game.  However, supposedly there is one in the game and over on the Amateur Sleuths blog titled, "Amateur Sleuth Mystery: CRE Easter Eggs" JL talked about how in early design notes about the existence of an Easter egg but nothing could be found.

HeR's Early Design Notes

However, some have claimed that a glitch will give an Easter egg but it will result in the game freezing or crashing.  It is also believed that the Easter egg in the game is the Super Snooper Award for getting the alternate prize from Wiki Tiki game.

16. The White Wolf of Icicle Creek
After someone blows up the fishing shack and Guadalupe has left the lodge, go into the bathroom until you hear Nancy says, "Call 1-555-MYSTICO and Prepared to be amazed!"  Ask him everything but, "Something very special" to hear him talk about a few different villains from previous games!

Mystico: 1-555-6978426 (MYSTICO)
Tino Balducci: 312-555-5375 (JERK)

Once you select, "Something very special" you cannot ask him about anything else after that.  Once you have talked to Mystico about everything go back to the ice fishing shack and there you will be able to fish for an Easter egg!  With this egg, you can open the locked room across from Nancy which will be filled with Easter eggs!

Hold the Easter and set the alarm in Nancy's room to get a nightmare.

17. Legend of the Crystal Skull
When playing skeeball, turn all the blocks to hens and then into eyes (*Glares at the skeeball table*).  You'll then be rewarded an Easter egg!

Legend of the Crystal Skull: Symbols for Renee's Trunk

After you open Renee's trunk, pressing the correct buttons to create an image!  You will need to create three different images and I will put parenthesis around each set.  Once you enter each image into the box, you will get an Easter egg!
With the top middle button being 1, go in clockwise and press: 
First Image: (3, 12, 13, 17)
Second Image: (1, 2, 6, 9)
Third Image: (3, 4, 11, 14)

As Bess:  In Zeke's shop, go up to the Sarcophagus and click on the dark corner inside it on the left to find a hidden riddle.  This riddle with give you words that rhyme with numbers.  You can use in the grandfather clock at the Bolet house.  Once you've read the note call Nancy.
As Nancy:  Go to the grandfather clock in the Bolet hallway and insert the numbers: 12, 7, 8, 9, 4, and 1 to get an Easter egg!  You can also just enter the numbers into the clock without looking at the note.

Though this is not an Easter egg, it is pretty funny.  As Bess, order everything from Granny Punkin's Cajun Cookin' and puts hot sauce on al three items (Click on the bottle on the left to put on hot sauce).  Once you've eaten everything, you then see fire!

What was the name of Henry's girlfriend? - Summer
What was Bernie's favorite food? - Marshmallows
Which of Zeke's hoodoo powers did Renee have in her room? - Hiccuping Powder

18. The Phantom of Venice
In the Villa, go into Nancy's room and take out the hair pins from her dresser.  You can use the hair pins unlock the door to the left of Colin's workstation and you will get an egg!

At Rialto Market, make a gelato of the Italian flag by selecting red, white, then green and you will get an Italian themed Easter egg.


Where did Fango receive his Master's Degree? - University of Bologna

What magazine does Helena write for? - EuroWelt

Where did the first theft take place? - Palazzo Foglio

Which of the following mask names were not used by the Masquerade gang? - Pedrolino

Which gondolier doesn't sing? - Luigi

What is the name of Prudence Rutherford's dog? - Ginger

What is the name of the produce stand in the Rialto Market? - Velina's

What did the box of chocolates at the Ca' spell out in code? - Coppa safe

19. The Haunting of Castle Malloy
From the book in Fiona's room, there is a book with the word "LAPIN" printed on it.  Enter this code into the rollmop desk to get a fourth doll arrangement.  Take this doll arrangement to Fiona's room and arrange the dolls in the dollhouse to get an Easter egg!

While playing darts game at the pub, shoot bullseyes until you only have one point left. Throw all darts except one off the side of the board.  With the final dart, shoot the last dart in the one point spot to get an Easter egg!

At the stone pillars, look at the pillar with the slab on the ground.  Turn the top stone 2 timed, the middle stone 3 times, and the bottom stone 1 time.  Once you've done that.  Turn all three stones 4 time from top to bottom.  This will give you a piece of paper with four leaf clovers set up in mathematical equations.  Take this paper to the garden and turn the leprechauns based on the answers from the paper.  The leprechauns each represent a timed will face either 12, 3, 6, or 9 O'Clock. Once all leprechauns are facing the correct way you will get an Easter egg!

Leprechaun Answer from Left to Right:
6, 9, 6, 3, 12, 9, 12

One glitch that seems to happen in the game starts with a conversation with Kyler.  You will have the option to talk to Kyler about Fiona and the possibility of Fiona surviving the explosion. The game will register selecting the dialogue, however, this will freeze your game and you will have to reload a previous save to continue.  It is possible to locate the sound files and listen to the audio outside of the game, but I have yet to figure out how to get the audio to play in game.

There is also a similar audio glitch in the game when using the phone booth at the pub.  When trying to use the phone you will get stuck listening to the phone ringing with out the ability to back out.  The only way to fix this is to reload a previous save or force close the game and then reloading a previous save.


On what day was the wedding scheduled? - June 1st

Which metal was not shown on the density list in the library? - Nickel

In which borough of London does Kit work? - Tower Hamlets

What is the name of Fiona's crow? - Spiaire

Which flower was not listed in the herb book? - Clover

What was the name of Fiona's mother?  - Caitlin

Which element was not listed as one of the Incompatible Chemicals? - Chromium

The fortune teller's name was: -  Madame Isibéal

20. Ransom of the Seven Ships

Ransom of the Seven Ships: Sand/Grass Path

Past Shark Cove, there is a small sand/grass led path that will lead you to an Easter egg, sitting in the sand. 

On the monkey that plays the color game, click the monkey with an Easter egg and *win* the game against the monkey to get an Easter egg as one of the rewards at the end of the game.

To get this final Easter egg, you must find all the messages in the bottles scattered around the ocean.  Once you collect all the pieces you will find a segment of The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe.  "Deep in sand near the sharks, seek this," underneath this there is an image of what looks like an Easter egg. This will allow you to go and find the Easter egg, which is located at Caridad.  Where you can go and dive to find the egg.  It will be located by the sudoku puzzle box which is found on the sunken boat.


In what year was El Toro's fleet destroyed by a hurricane? - 1669

How many monkeys were blocking the path on top of Bat Steep? - 4

Where was Johnny's driver license issued? - Victoria, Australia

What was Johnny's planned destination on his GPS? - Half Moon Bay

When was the Dread Isle Primate Behavioral Research Center founded? - 1987

Who was the author of In Search of the Seven Virtues Fleet? - Marni Boomsong

What was the name on the chest buried near the sunken ship? - Caridad

Which item was not seen in Johnny's camp? - Life jacket

21. Warnings at Waverly Academy
In the school basement, take all four gold stars and line them up in the four slots column from top to bottom: cat, bug, orangutan, and raven.  Which will give you an Easter egg.

In the school library, look for the ISBN 4755568135314.  This will allow you to find the hidden Easter egg in the library.  Which is located on the self to the left of the door (when you are going to exit the library).  (This ISBN number was found in Resorting to Danger!)

In the locked classroom, (recommended to do this at night), press the Raven eye 3x, wings 2x, tail 1x.  The compartment will open to reveal an egg.

As a special bonus, using these eggs, you can ask Leela to play air hockey to get an Easter egg theme mallet!


Waverly's school motto is: - Dignitas in Omnis

Who writes the school blog, The Campus Word? - Izzy Romero

Who is not in one of the pictures on Izzy's desk? - Izzy's Dog Mingles

What is hanging from the ceiling of Corine's room? - Planets

Mel plays which instrument? - Cello

Who was not one of the original founders of Waverly Academy? - Nellie Hamilton

In Mel's art history paper, what was the landmark featured in the famous print she wrote about? - Mt. Fuji

Located in the Mountain region, which of the following was the first official US National Park? - Yellowstone National Park

22. Trail of the Twister
In Ma and Pa's shop, buy the mystery box for $99.90 dollars, or 9990 Pa Pennies.  Inside you will get a token to use on the Jackalope exhibit which will give you a farmer cat Easter egg!  You can also listen to different Jackalope facts after using the coin.

To earn Pa Pennies faster, get to level 4 of Land Rush.  After you make your first move, back out of the game and ear 245 Pa Pennies each time.

Buy Moon Chunks at Ma and Pa's (0.95 Pa Pennies).  Drive over to the Spring House and leave it at the foot of the door.  Leave and come back later in the game to get a lightning Easter egg!

Over by the by the house on the left in the prairie dog field, using the devining rod to click around, you can get an Easter egg!


The new enhanced Fujita Scale was introduced in what year? - 2007

What is the name of the local college newspaper? - Canute College Ledger

Rival team leader Brooke Tavanah represents which school? - Kingston University

What is Frosty's real first name? - Tobias

Which of the following is not one of the new Wickford candy bars? - Bovinity

Where in Oklahoma did the 1982 F5 tornado occur? - Broken Bow

What is the name of Canute College's mascot? - Harrison J. Bison

What is hanging from the tree outside the farmhouse? - A tire swing

23. Shadow at the Water’s Edge
Once you get the text message photo of the ghost, go to the Pachinko parlor and go into the photo booth and print it out.  You will not only get a photo of the mysterious ghost but an East egg as well.

At Miwako's desk, open up her puzzle box two times.  First time to get the password from within, the second time to get an Easter egg!  Must be done before using the password.

By the lantern in the center of the Riokan Garden, use the EVP device to record a message.  Play the message in the shed to hear, "If a ghostly egg is what you seek, under the broken tile you must peek."  In the bathroom floor near the baths, click on the broken tile to get an Easter egg!

In the Pachinko parlor, place between 15 to 30 pachinko balls in the prize machine.  This will change one of the items available to an Easter egg for the cost of one pachinko ball.

With these eggs you can use them to either skip one of Rentato's puzzles, or while holding the egg click on Yumi's Avatar program to get extra features for your avatar!


Which student was not in Nancy's class? - Kana

Suki is part of what robotic cat line? - Virtual Nyao

Who was not a guest at the ryokan? - Mittelmeier

The ryokan is near which train station? - Misawa

Kasumi's letters were addressed to whom? - Maryanne

According to Japanese superstition, whistling at night will attract: - Snakes

The special flower pot in Yumi's apartment resembles what animal? - Frog

Which heading was not a chapter in Savannah's book? - The Mysterious Moors of Yorkshire

24. The Captive Curse
In the hidden passageways, which you can reach ether through the hidden entrance in the well or forest, place both Karl (left) and Anja's (right) o
ffice key into the key holes panel found in the wall.  This will reveal an Easter egg.

Call Monster on the phone in Nancy's room to get the message "To find the egg, dig near the votable vampires fear!"  In the forest you will find garlic gloves growing on the ground, take your hand shovel to dig and get an Easter egg!

Phone Number:
Monster: (666-7837)

Before solving the title puzzle near Karl's office, place all the title pieces in the upper right and corner to get a warped Easter egg!  You can also take your Easter egg to the glass shop and place it in one of the tools on the bench and place it in the furnace to melt the metal off to get 
a full fledge metal Easter egg!

Phone Charms:
Red Cow located in the woods.
Necklace I the game located in the bucket in the glass shop.
Crow charm located on the panel in the security booth.
German flag is found on the banister coming up from the red parlor.
Raid Card is on the stairs near the glass room to the dungeon.
White and Blue Shield can be found on the banister on the right side walkway to Nancy's room (On the side without the portrait).
Monster Head in the passages ways.  Facing the big red arrow keep going and turn right again to find it on the right wall.


Which character was not included in the Raid deck? - Maiden of Brakel

Which is not a shop in the courtyard? - Wiese-Molkerei

The Brothers Grimm first published their fairy tales in what year? - 1812

The wolpertinger is a hybrid monster typically portrayed as what? - Rabbit with Wings

What letter is seen on the stained glass windows in the banquet hall? - A

Anja is reading which Grimm's tale at her counter? - The King of the Golden Mountain

Which language is Anja not fluent in? - Russian

25. Alibi in Ashes
In Brenda's Van, open and close her bag multiple times about ten times should do it, and get a Brenda Carlton Easter egg!

After wining Number Punch in Alexis shop, enter in all the prime numbers starting with 2 to get a number themed Easter egg!
Prime Numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41.

Alibi In Ashes: Ticket Shark Easter Egg

In jail, enter in "bunnydrv" into the Ticket Shark to get a picture of a car full of Easter egg.


Which of the following is not a flavor of ice cream at Scoop? - Berry Blast

What is Nancy's team name for the Clues Challenge? - Team Danger

Which object is not stored in Nancy's bedroom closet? - A Whale phone charm

What is the name of the police station's ticket database? - TicketShark

Which of the following was not one of Alexei's cases? - The Voice in the Wall

Which accelerant was never seen anywhere? - Propane

What ice cube shape was not tested for melting times? - Star

How much was Nancy's bail amount after her arrest? - $250,000

26. Tomb of the Lost Queen
In the antiquities text, use the pickaxe on the vase on the shelf with the bunny pictured on it to get a scarab jeweled Easter egg.

Before solving the scarab puzzle, put all four scarabs on the scarab puzzle in the corners of the puzzle to get a sunset scarab Easter egg.

In the cat tomb, place one of the two eggs in the whole of the mouse puzzle in the cat tomb to get a metal cat Easter egg.

Phone Charms:
Pyramid charm is on the tray behind the map of the dig site.
Mummy charm is in the inner coffin in the tomb above the scraps of papyrus.
Anubis head phone charm is on the stairs of the second tomb exit beyond the gate.
Eye of Horus charm is on the rock to the right of the entrance to the middle tunnel in the tomb.
Black cat charm is in the hall of black cats to the right upon entering.
Pharaoh charm is on the wrist of the stature when entering the true tomb.
Golden scarab charm is found on the crate in front of the rip in the tent outside.


Which of the following is not one of the three basic groups of hieroglyphic signs? - Pictograms

What were the sculptures of on either side of the entrance into the tomb? - Vultures

Sekhmet was the goddess of what? - War

Who is depicted over the four lower doors in the main room of the tomb? - Ma'at

What offering was on one of the wall trays in the cat's tomb? - A jingle bell

Which god is not one of the four sons of Horus? - Khnum

What was the name of the reptile emporium in Cairo? - Slithering Snakes

Who was the Great Royal Wife of Amenhotep III? - Tiye

27. The Deadly Device
In the office, before solving the pigeon puzzle, press the pigeon button 9 times in a row to get a wired Easter egg.

Take the binary code of Gray's shirts, (172956) and enter the number into Niko's desk drawer to get a puzzle.

After viewing the coding on Ellie's computer, when walking out of Nancy's room, click on the vase to get a cool metal Easter egg.

Bonus Edition: Play all the notes on the Tesla coil, from left to right back to left to get an Easter egg.

Phone Charms:
Saturn charm is on the couch in the lounge.
Skull charm is on Ryan's motorcycle.
Mechanical pigeon charm is to the left of the puzzle in Gray's desk drawer.
Gear charm is in the photo lithography puppies cabinet.
Thunderbolt charm is on the floor towards the two left of the screen while looking at the hexagon in the Tesla coil lab.
Green Gummy Bear charm is in the cubical office.
Robot charm is to the left of the office door on the second floor near the sculpture.


Who was Nikola Tesla's partner during the War of the currents? - George Westinghouse

Which item was not displayed in the halls? - A painting

Which chemical was found in the supply cabinet? - Hydrofluoric acid

What object was on the shelf above Niko's desk in his study? - A rabbit

How much of a shock can an electric eel produce? - 650 volts

Which key card number belonged to Ellie? - 198257112

Which candy was not available in Niko's candy case? - Cow-A-Mel

Which title was not on the bookshelves? - Beyond the Tales: The Brothers Grimm

28. Ghost of Thornton Hall
Using the EMF reader in the cellar stairwell, click on the brick near the lights on the left to find a barrel Easter egg hidden behind one of the bricks.

In the cemetery mausoleum, pull out the coffin with the bird plate and open and close it five times to get a blue eyeball Easter egg.

In Charlotte's room, before you solve the jewelry box puzzle, starting in the upper left hand corner, press all the titles outside tiles going all the way down, right, and up to get the final gold and red Easter egg.

You can then place all the Easter eggs in the Easter egg holder in Charlotte's room to get an invitation to Charlotte's Birthday party!

Phone Charms:
RIP Charm and skull is found on the fountain in the cemetery.
Barrel charm is among the barrels in the cellar.
Clock charm is on the left side of ht candelabra in CHarlotte's room.
Black tree charm is found near the T stone past the entrance gate.
Fish charm is found behind the barrel secret passageway.  At the end of the tunnel, the charm hangs on the left light.
The sickle is on the mirror in the upstairs hallway.
To get one of the phone charms (tractor) place an Easter egg on the scale in the showroom.  This will reveal the hidden phone charm.


Who was the founding couple of the Thornton family? - Jeb Thornton & Sarah Emma Wakeman

What was Charlotte celebrating on the night of her death? - Her 21st birthday

Whose portrait was not seen hanging in the halls? - Hiriam Thornton

How many coffins were in the crypt? - 14

What is the oldest battery ever discovered better known as? - Baghdad Battery

What nursery rhyme was the ghost singing? - Ladybug, ladybug

"So It Goes" was the epitaph on the tombstone belonging to whom? - Luther Atchinson

What fell into Addison's hair while she and Jessalyn were recording their audio tracks? - A spider

29. The Silent Spy
On the safe in Nancy's hotel room, enter in 4133 (Nancy's Jail serial number in Alibi in Ashes to get an 

In the train station, open locker 44, 3 times.  This will cost 6£ total.  You will then get a green dragon scaled Easter egg.

On the bagpipes in the safe house Brae Arena, play the notes FDCECABEEF to get an egg was shot with an arrow Easter egg.

With these Easter eggs, you can use them to get free trail tickets!

Phone Charms:
Loch Ness monster charm is on the nightstand to the left of Nancy's Bed.
AOL charm is on the bench outside of the hotel.
Celtic symbol in a vase on top of Moira's fireplace.
Bow and arrow charm on the logo outside the Brae Arena.
Crown charm is on the chair next to the door in Bridget's room. (Left of entering the room).
Unicorn horn on the outside lamp to the left of Nancy's hotel room door.
Dragon charm is on the bench to the right while facing way from the gate to Loch Lomond in the train station.


What was the name of the hotel Nancy was staying at? - Glaucus Lodge

What type of food is Cullen Skink? - Fish and Vegetable Stew

How much did it cost to open a locker in the train station? - 2£

Which name was not seen on Zoe's passports? - Leena Patel

What is the name of the restaurant at Giffnock? - Ten Raven

What is Alec's sister's name? - Grace

Who was quoted on the plaque on the bench by the deli? - Robert Burns

What was the name of the organization Kate worked for? - Cathedral

30. The Shattered Medallion
At the Sheep shearing station, in the back of the building you will find what looks like an old stove.  Open and close the stove five or more times to get a sheep design Easter egg named Hen in Training.

At Puzzle Palace, you must beat one of the games a total of 5 time. You must complete either Raid 5 time or Monster 5 times. You will be awarded an Eater egg decorated with Rutherford model atoms and golden orange stars named Sunny Side Up

At Lake Te Anau, before you light the fire pit, place one of your Easter eggs into the pit to get the final Easter egg of Team Tui's bird on the front named Egg-steme.

With each Easter egg, you can use it them to help increase your points on the score board by Bess.

Bonus Edition:
In the bonus edition, click on the Auction House with an Easter egg selected.  There you will find another egg to buy for 30 points named That's all yolks!

Phone Charms:
Gold needle with thread found in one of the stalls in the sheep shearing station.
Turtle charm is towards the lower left of the window in the underwater observatory.
Red creature charm is in Kiri's tent.
Team Tui charm is on the right of the field upon entering from the base camp.
Red Tiki charm is in the top left corner of the earthquake exhibit in Puzzle Palace.
Tiki charm near the wheel at Cromwell.
Gold ring charm is in the caves at Te Anau. (Turn left upon entering and go to the end of the walkway.  Look towards the bottom of the screen to find it.


What is the name of Sonny's dog in the comics? - Laika

Who received knitted wooly jumpers after an oil spill? - Penguins

Which team was not part of the competition? - Mohua

Which team did Leena belong to? - Kea

What was the name of the puzzle building? - Puzzle Palace

Jason's Nudibranch is a type of what? - Sea slug

What is Sonny's Grandfather's name? - Jin

What does S.P.I.E.D. stand for? - Strange Phenomenon Inspectors Extraterrestrial Division

31. Labyrinth of Lies
Under the stage where Tartarus is located, click on the tree or the fruit of the tree several times (About 7 times should do it) to get a greek themed Easter egg of a lion bird.

Before solving the puzzle with the hidden tunnel in the museum, enter in the goddess name Athena (ΑθHNA). This will give you another greek themed egg but this one will have horses.

In Charon, use the blacklight on his later to get a golden metal Easter egg with purple gems.

Phone Charms:
Peacock eyes charm is hanging form the left side of the second amphitheater step.
Lion head charm is on the right red seat as you enter museum.
Greek helmet sitting beside the books on top of the filming cabinet in the office.
Beige circle with blue circle is on the table when looking in Grigor's bag.
Vulture is sitting on Charon's staff above the hanging light.
Scythe is on a rock opposite the workshop doors.
Cerberus charm is on the pool in the underworld.


What figure was not represented as a sculpture in the museum? - Poseidon

What was the name of the theater production? - Persephone in Winter

Who was not a judge of the Underworld? - Nereus

Which Olympian goddess gave her throne to Dionysus? - Hestia

What ancient artifact is not seen in the museum's office? - A Gold Laurel Crown

What was the name of Alexander the Great's horse? - Bucephalas

Which god did not figure into the Persephone myth? - Ares

What company developed the hydraulic system in the theater? - Pinakes Design

32. Sea of Darkness
Before solving the triangle puzzle box in the Captain's quarters, make all the triangles facing up, then by pressing the three yellow triangles leaving only the surrounding triangle facing up, you will get an half metallic, half woven basket Easter egg.

In the Heerlijkheid captain chair, there is an alarm box.  Open the alarm box about 13 times to get a Christmas lights themed Easter egg.

In the Misty Skip Pub, go to the kitchen mini game and fill up the cooking tray with puffins (Lundi).  You will hear a chicken cluck but you will not auto magically get an Easter egg.  Instead you must walk over the the cello in the Misty Skip and look closely at it.  Resting on the right side of the cello body, you will find a music themed Easter egg. 

In Soren Velkomin Skipbrot Culture Center gift shop, you can use the eggs to purchase one of the gifts available.  However, you cannot use an Easter egg to buy the sword.

Bonus Edition:
In the bonus edition, you can find a fourth Easter egg in the Ice Caves.  Past the wall that Nancy has to take, make a left and turn keep walking.  Eventually you will find a dead end.  Using your hook, break the bright white ice at the bottom of the cave wall in front of you.  You will find the Easter egg with the Roman numerals XII (12).  Along with a list of number lining the top and bottom of this Easter egg.

Phone Charms:
Viking hat charm is on the lamp on Nancy's Desk before starting the game.
Flower charm is on the table at the fish cleaning station.
Cannon charm is on the barrel to the right of the flashlight in the hold.
Treasure chest charm on Magnus's bed.
Viking axe charm is in the Rikur Caverns, going down on the ladder, you will find the charm at the bottom.
Puffin charm is on the luggage on the right side in the gift shop.
Car charm is on the shelf in the supply closet in the Misty Skip.


The ship's figurehead is of what object? - A lion

Which was not one of the waterfront shops? - The Heart of Odin

What was hanging over the door in the Captain's quarters? - A pair of swords

What was the name of the Heerlijkheid's original captain? - Lawrence

When did the Vikings arrive in Iceland? - 9th Century

The Icelandic word for volcano is: - Eldfjall

What was Gunnar's daughter's name? - Esja (or Edda?)

Which item was not available in the gift shop? - Keychain

33. Midnight in Salem
In Midnight in Salem, there is only one Easter egg available in the game.  In the Parry House living room, turn to your left and look at the garbage bin on the floor.  The bin is to the right of the small tree.  In the tree pot you will find a yellow Easter egg.  If you want to check out how to earn all the awards in Midnight In Salem, check out my "Nancy Drew Midnight In Salem Earning All the Achievements."


What car does Deirdre drive? - Green convertible.

Betty Parris ’Father, Samuel Parris, was? - A Minister.

Ergot is a type of? - Fungus.

What’s the name of Teegan’s boyfriend? - Damian Faulkner.

What was the symbol Frances Tuttle used to reference Lauren? - Laurels.

Thank you everyone for reading!  I hope this help you all when you go and try to find the Easter eggs in your next adventure.  I had so much fun writing list out of all the Easter eggs and game glitches that you can face in the game.  I know that there are probably some more fun glitches in the game that I haven't seen yet.

However, if there are any fun game glitches that you would like for me to add that I don't have on my list, please feel free to reach out to me and let me know what they are!  If you want to see more of my Nancy Drew related posts, check out all my Nancy Drew posts!  Also check out my other Game Reviews for new recommendations of games that I have played.

Until next time,

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