Saturday, December 19, 2020
What Do We Know About Nancy Drew Game #34
Friday, December 11, 2020
My Flourishing Video Game Wishlist 2020
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
My Flourishing December Goals 2020
Friday, September 25, 2020
Banished Review
Friday, September 18, 2020
Assassin's Creed Odyssey Review
Friday, September 11, 2020
Nancy Drew Last Train To Bluemoon Canyon Review
Monday, September 7, 2020
Sherlock Holmes Chapter One A Letter From Sherlock #1

Friday, September 4, 2020
Nancy Drew Merchandise I Want To See
Friday, August 28, 2020
Nancy Drew The Silent Spy Review
Friday, August 21, 2020
Baker Business 3 Review
I love to bake and make sweets whenever I possibly can. With this I'm always on the look out for fun new games that allow me to bake and create deserts of all kinds. Well while searching for a baking game that would capture my interest I stumbled upon Baker Business 3. Baker Business 3 was created by Living Code Labs and was released on June 22, 2019. So le'ts get started!
Friday, August 14, 2020
Nancy Drew Ransom of the Seven Ships Review
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Her Interactive Discontinues Nancy Drew Ransom of the Seven Ships
I'm honestly shocked. I never thought HeR Interactive would discontinue another one of their games. If they did, I always thought it would be Stay Tuned for Danger (STfD) due to the age of the game not working on new computers, but surprisingly it wasn't. It was Nancy Drew Ransom of the Seven Ships (RAN). I thought I would write a post about it and just talk about what I know about why HeR pulled the game from every retailer they could. So let's begin.
Friday, August 7, 2020
End of An Era for Her Interactive's Nancy Drew Games?
As many of you may know, I'm not particularly fond of gossip and I only like to talk about true facts that have been confirmed by a reliable source such as an official press statement from the company. However, at this time, I feel that if I don't say anything at all from the news that I’ve seen, that it would be misleading if I continued to say nothing. So in today’s post, we're going to be talking about what I believe might be the end of an era for the Nancy Drew point and click video game series from Her Interactive. So let's begin!
Friday, July 31, 2020
Nancy Drew Message In A Haunted Mansion Review
Another week another game! Before I played Nancy Drew Trail of the Twister in my Nancy Drew battle with Daniella, we ended up playing Nancy Drew Message in a Haunted Mansion! Message In A Haunted Mansion was released on November 24th, 2000 by Her Interactive. I always love going back and playing this game so I'm really excited to be review it today. So let's get started!
Friday, July 17, 2020
Assassin's Creed Black Flag Review
For over the last year, I've really wanted to review some of the Assassin's Creed games on my blog. I have spend so much time playing each of the games, however, due to time constants I was never able to do this before now! My idea has final turned into reality with being able to finally have time to sit down and write my review for Assassin's Creed Black Flag! Black Flag was my first AC game that I played without Daniella (The Little Book Spy). So I thought it was only fitting that this would be my first AC review. Assassin's Creed Black was created by Ubisoft and was released on October 29th, 2013. So let's get started!
Friday, July 10, 2020
Nancy Drew Trail of the Twister Review
As vacation starts for many, I found that I've really wanted to go back and jump into some of the older Nancy Drew games. So this summer, I've decided to start back up my Nancy Drew Battle Challenge with Daniella (The Little Book Spy) and the game that she picked was Trail of the Twister! So I thought it was a great chance to finally write my review for the game! Trail of the Twister was released by Her Interactive on June 29th, 2010. So let's get started!
Friday, July 3, 2020
Crowns and Pawns Kingdom of Deceit Demo Review
With the Steam Game Festival there are so many games demos available to play! With that I thought it would be fun to review another short little game demo from this event. Crowns and Pawns Kingdom of Deceit is a new and up coming point and click adventure game were a girl name Milda where she finds out she is an heir and last guardian of a mysterious family secret. I've been watching this game for the last few months and was super excited to finally get the chance to play the demo now! Crowns and Pawns Kingdom of Deceit was created by Tag of Joy and is expected to be released during the first quarter of 2021. So let's get started!
Friday, June 26, 2020
My Flourishing TBP Gaming List Part 1
So instead of either sitting and staring at the list of all the possible games I have and do nothing or waiting for the console to play the game I want (I share my console.), I've decided to share a list of games that are on my TBP list and use this as a way to encourage myself to jump into some of these amazing stories. So let's begin!
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Saint Kotar: The Yellow Mask Prologue Review
Over the last few months, I've been searching for new games to play. During this search, I stumbled upon the fun #AdventureGamesFriday hashtag over on Twitter where indie developers share their new and upcoming games with each other. This is where I found, Saint Kotar: The Yellow Mask, a point and click horror adventure game created by Red Martyr Entertainment.
Saint Kotar: The Yellow Mask is the prologue story for the game Saint Kotar. The prologue was released on June 18th, 2020 with the full game, Saint Kotar, to be released on October 28th, 2021. The minute I saw this game, I knew I had to play it for myself! I want to thank Red Martyr Entertainment for giving me the opportunity to play an early release copy of the prologue. So, let's get started!
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Marcella Moon: Secret on the Hill Review
As summer roles around, I'm always looking for another mystery to solve and the newest game Marcella Moon: Secret on the Hill is exactly what I was looking for! Marcella Moon is a new point and click adventure game series created by Renee at Marcella Moon Mysteries. Marcella Moon, is an amateur sleuth who loves to solves mysteries. Secret on the Hill is the first game in the Marcella Moon series and was released on June 16th, 2020. I want to thank Renee, the creator of the game, for reaching out to me and giving me the opportunity to play Marcella Moon: Secret on the Hill! So let's get started!
Friday, May 29, 2020
Sherlock Holmes Chapter One Announced and Deduction
On May 25th, Frogwares announced that in 2021, they will be released a new Sherlock Holmes game! It has been 4 years since the last Sherlock Holmes game was released and its the perfect time to get people excited for the next Sherlock Holmes game. So for today's post I will be looking at the teaser and create my own deduction about the teaser and what I think is to come. So let's get started!
Friday, May 22, 2020
My Top 15 Nancy Drew Video Games
A few weeks back, Her Interactive shared The Gamers 15 Best Nancy Drew Games. With this list, I felt that it was lacking in some of the best games that Her Interactive has released and I thought, "Why don't I share my own top 15 Nancy Drew games?" So for todays post I will be sharing my top 15 games from 1 - 33! So let's get started!
Friday, May 1, 2020
Assassins Creed Valhalla Teaser & Trailer Reveal
As many of you know from my social media, I am a huge Assassins Creed fan and I've been trying my best to play as many of the games that I can since I'm a new and recent fan. Well, this year I was expecting news about the new AC game to be released at a convention this year as AC Odyssey had been. However, with the cancellation of events with delays in games release dates, I assumed that we would be waiting another year before learning anything about the next installment in the series. Well I was wrong and for that I'm super happy for it! So let's get started!
Friday, April 24, 2020
Story Idea's for Nancy Drew Game 34
Friday, April 17, 2020
Dordogne: A Breathtaking Water Color Adventure Game For PC and Switch
Dordogne has to be one of the most beautiful games I have seen this year! Dordogne, created by French indie game studio is a narrative adventure as you explore Mimi's childhood. The game was created using 2D a water color design. After looking at all the photos and videos that have been share of this game I am supper excited for it and I cannot wait for the release. So let get stared!
Friday, April 10, 2020
Builders of Egypt: Prologue Game Review
Friday, April 3, 2020
Nancy Drew Secrets Can Kill Remastered Review
After 12 years of the original release of Nancy Drew Secrets Can Kill, Her Interactive decided it was time to update the believed game. So on August 24, 2010, 12 years after the released of the original game, Her Interactive released Secrets Can Kill Remastered. When the game was first released I was super excited to play this game when the Remastered version was released. So let"s get started!
Friday, March 27, 2020
ANNO 1800 Review
I love simulation building and and I have a specially place in my heart for the 1800's. Anno 1800 is the doorway to both of these and I cannot tell you how much I enjoy playing this game. Anno 1800 was developed by Blue Byte and published by Ubisoft on April 16th, 2019. After almost a year of the game being released, I'm finally writing a review for all the content released as of March 20th, since I own all the DLC up until the Season 2 Pass, which is being released on March 24th. So let's get started!
Monday, March 23, 2020
Entertaining Video Games When Your Stuck At Home
Right now, we all just want a break from how chaotic life is. We all just want to relax and figure out what we can do while many of us are either social distancing or isolating ourselves during this difficult time. Well for todays post, I'm going to be sharing 50 games/series that will give you and your family hours of fun that can be educational and entertaining for the whole family. So let's get started!
Friday, March 20, 2020
Nancy Drew Secrets Can Kill Original Review
Before Nancy Drew games became what they are today, we first need to look back on the very first Nancy Drew game that was released in on December 23, 1998, Secrets Can Kill. This was the first game that was released for the series and its what started a chain movement for future Nancy Drew games! It wasn't until the remastered version was released that I found a band new copy of the original game to play. So today, I'm going to be reviewing and looking back at the very first game. So let's get started!
Friday, March 13, 2020
Draugen Review
Peace, calm, and mystery is what I love in any game. Draugen has all of these characteristics and so much more. Draugen is a first person, Fjord Noir mystery game set in 1920's Norway. When I first came across Draugen earlier this year, I was super excited for its release on the PS4. I want to thank Charlene from Player Two PR and Red Thread Games for the opportunity to review Draugen on the PS4! Draugen was originally released on for PC, Mac, and Linux on May 29th, 2019; and released for Xbox One and PS4 on February 21, 2020. So let's get started!
Friday, March 6, 2020
Backbone Prologue Game Review
Sunday, March 1, 2020
March Blogging Goals 2020
It seems like time is just flying by and as February comes to an end. Now we move onto March! The start to spring with the warmer weather, spring showers, and more games to be released! So for todays post I'm going to be focusing on what I'm going to be doing this month. Let's get stared!
Well this month is going to be busy! After dropping one of my classes in mid February, I had so much more free time that I was excited to take some time off from blogging extensively and homework since I had planned and written out all my reviews in advance. Well next month, out of the four classes I'm taking, one is ending today as I have to submit my final exam and a paper today. The second class I'm taking will continue until May. Now to the fun part of my last two classes. I have two 8 week classes starting soon and oh boy are they busy looking! This will definitely take time away from blogging and hopefully during my spring break I'll get the change to get a head with my reviews and post up until May!
So then it leads me to the questions, what am I planing on reviewing over the next month? Well at the moment, I have two very special games that I will be reviewing this month! I can't wait to review these two games and I hope to have them out very soon as I am in the pre-stages of prepping my post in advance before I play and review the game. However, since I haven't really announce what game I'm going to be playing yet, I'm just going to keep it a surprise for now. I might share on what the games are over on Twitter so make sure you're following me at @RetrosepctBlog.
Though these two posts will only take up two of my four posts this month, I am also planing on reviewing some more of my favorite Nancy Drew games as well! I've been really wanting to finish up more of my Nancy Drew reviews that have been sitting on my to do list for over 6 years (I'm not kidding about how long its taken me). I have two games in mind that I will be writing my reviews for in-between these other two games.
Thank you everyone for reading! This month and probably the next three months up until after exams in May are going to make blogging super hectic but I'm up for the challenge! If there is any change in my schedule when it come to posting then you can find then usually over on my Twitter @RetrospectBlog! So are you looking forward to my next set of review and can you guess what Nancy Drew games I will be reviewing next? Let me know in the comment below as I would love to see your guesses.
Until next time,
Friday, February 28, 2020
Agatha Christie The ABC Murders Game Review
It's the our final day of my love of murder mysteries this month and the last game that I will be reviewing is one of the newest Agatha Christie games, Agatha Christie The ABC Murders! This game was released on February 4th, 2016 by Microids. I was super excited to play this game since it was the newest Agatha Christie game to be released. So let's get started!
Monday, February 24, 2020
Journey of Life Review (V0.
I love playing simulation games and Journey of Life is one of the newest games that I've recently dived in to. Journey of Life is was released by Hyperion Studio on April 15, 2018 and it is the first game released by the company. I want to thank Adriano from Hyperion Studio and Keymailer for the opportunity to review this game. So, let's get started!
Friday, February 21, 2020
Agatha Christie Evil Under The Sun Game Review
Were on game number 3 of my love for murder Agatha Christie game review marathon! For todays game we are looking at Agatha Christie Evil Under The Sun. The game was the final game released by The Adventure Company. Evil Under The Sun was released on October 16, 2007, with a release Wii version being released on November 19, 2008. I think this is the only Agatha Christie game that I've played multiple times due to never finishing the game due to the game breaking. So let's get started!
Friday, February 14, 2020
Agatha Christie Murder On The Orient Express Game Review
Were on Day 2 of my love for murder Agatha Christie game reviews for the month and todays game is one of the most intriguing game I have ever played, Agatha Christie Murder On The Orient Express. This game is the first game to have Hercule Poirot helping you solve the mystery aboard Orient Express. This game was the second game in the series released by The Adventure Company on November 14, 2006. So let's get stated!
Friday, February 7, 2020
Agatha Christie And Then There Were None Game Review
Friday, January 31, 2020
Clue/Cluedo Review
I love the board game clue. Out of all the board games there are this one is my absolute favorite. Well, here during the Steam Winter sale I decided to cave and get the game to play with my friends. The game was released on May 17, 2018 by Marmalade Game Studios. So let's get started!
Friday, January 24, 2020
Déraciné PS4 VR Review
Déraciné, it was one of the many VR games that captured my attention making me want to jump back into the PS VR. Being able to interact with the characters on screen has always been a dream of mine since the VR technology began to improve. So the second I saw this game go on sale by chance when looking at new VR game, I just new I needed to check it out. Déraciné was released November 6th, 2018 by Sony and developed by SIE Japan Studio, FromSoftware. So let's get started!
Friday, January 17, 2020
Bunny Park Game Review
I love finding new indie games and Bunny Park has to be one of the cutest games I have seen this year! Bunny Park is a cute building simulator where you get the chance to build your very own bunny filled park! I first saw this game over on Twitter and ever since then I was excited for it be released. Bunny Park was released on January 14th, 2020 and I want to thank Éloïse Laroche, the developer of the game, for giving me the opportunity to play this game. So let's get started!
Friday, January 10, 2020
Nancy Drew Game #34 Teased
To be honest, I didn't think I would be moving on from Midnight In Salem this fast. I've been writing posts about Midnight In Salem for over 5 years. Basically, it was the second Nancy Drew game I was following when I started my blog, with Sea of Darkness being the first. However after finishing Midnight In Salem, we were all left wondering, "What is the name to the next Nancy Drew game?" To this question at this time, I do not no the answer.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Most Challenging Nancy Drew Games
While I was playing around in Google Analytics, I decided to go and look at what people were searching to find my blog. Well, one of these searches was and I quote, "Hardest Nancy Drew Games." So, I thought, why not write a post about what I believe are some of the most difficult Nancy Drew games there are to play. So thank you random user who decided to search the internet. This post is all based on what games I found difficult due to challenging puzzles and game play. So, let's get started!